Quick update!! I'm married now :-). Actually for
about 8 months now and it has kept me busy and unable to update the site
:). Married life is great so far. I hope to post a wedding picture or two
when I get the chance, so stay tuned!!!
I am getting MARRIED!!!! It has taken me a
while to find that special someone, but I have finally got a keeper :-)!
I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with the woman that I
love. Below is a picture of me and my Bride-To-Be Vicky. We will be
getting married July 21st, 2001!
My name is Keith Yocum and below is a picture of my two dogs:
(That's me in the picture under the dogs.)
I have been attending services at the Perryville Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith since birth, which is about
34 years now. I am a deacon at the church and I also play the piano. My piano skills are not exceptional, but I'm the best they have at the moment! I enjoy working on computers and thought that I would try my hand at developing a homepage. It's not much at the moment, but I hope it will improve as I learn more and more about HTML.
Oh, by the way, Roudy and Rascal are like family with me. Roudy is a girl and tends to behave more like a "lady", while Rascal is all BOY! He goes 90mph from the time he wakes up until he goes to
bed! As you can see below, he has changed a lot lately! It is hard to believe
that these two pictures are of the same dog!

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Page maintained by B. Keith Yocum, . Copyright(c) 2002. Created: Thursday, October 17, 1996 Updated: Wednesday, March 28, 2007